So - for all the Einsteins comparing this to the flu - it would be like there being 640 deaths from the flu by the second week in November.
Well - by the second week in November of this past year - which is a terrible flu season - the CDC had only 2,091 positive flu tests. There were THREE deaths.
So - let us compare where we are NOW - which would be Week 45 of the CDC report (NOV 9th) - starting off on EQUAL dates (making this apples to apples and not apples to oranges):
The FLU: Cases: 2,091 /// Deaths: 3
CV: 31,472 /// Deaths: 638 - and that is IF the Chinese numbers are correct...
Yeah - The Flu is MUCH worse #sarcasm
It’s just the flu.
Normal flu.
Flight attendants always wear this for flu season.