Prep idea: Im getting 90-day prescriptions for maintenance medicines and filling them now. Dont want to be anywhere near a pharmacy (for flu or coronavirus)
Singapore closes borders to all Chinese travellers to stem spread of coronavirus
I’d be careful even today. No idea where it is right now, if it’s able to spread here like china. we just know where it was 2 or 3 weeks ago...we’ll know in 2 or 3 weeks where it is today.
For sure.
We can all include sensible low-cost precautions to our daily routines. In addition to stocking up on key supplies and avoiding crowds, I've enhanced my normal handwashing routine. When I come home, I wash my hands and face, and wipe down my phone with a sanitizing solution. I don't like to use speaker phone, but I'm trying not to put the phone against my face these days. Viruses remain infectious on hard surfaces. We know doorknobs carry bacteria and viruses, but most of us don't think about the phones we carry with us as being an infection risk. I figure anything I pick up from surfaces in public spaces can be transferred from my hands to my phone.