I dont believe for a minute he is comprised I believe he has been a Lib Justice all along AND GWB knew it!! He did not have enough of a record for the public to make a judgement about him!!!
His kids would be adults by now anyway so I think that might negate this theory. Robert’s is just the usual in the long list of bad Rino choices. O’Conner, Souter,etc.
I dunno. With Obamacare, his first written Opinion was to do the right thing and take down Obamacare. Then a short time passed and his statement, and ultimately his vote, mysteriously changed to pass Obamacare. If he were a true lib, his first Opinion would have been to pass Obamacare.
I think he’s compromised. My personal take on it has more to do with his sexual preference than kids’ adoptions. I could be wrong.