To: OrangeHoof
Exactly. She is a public figure. Unfortunately, her lawsuit is stupid.
18 posted on
01/22/2020 6:29:35 AM PST by
("There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." -GW)
To: DivineMomentsOfTruth
It is worth it to show that damn Hillary that everyone is over her. Hillary is a has been.
20 posted on
01/22/2020 6:31:41 AM PST by
(Bingo! We have a winner!)
To: DivineMomentsOfTruth
“Unfortunately, her lawsuit is stupid.”
Doesn’t matter. The lawsuit is a smear in return and may actually cause the witch some trouble.
60 posted on
01/22/2020 8:49:39 AM PST by
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