That's what Prop 13 does. It freezes it to when you bought it.
No it doesn’t. It increments at a maximum rate of 2% / year.
I’m paying double what I paid when I bought my home in property taxes.
My proposal is leave it where it was when the property was bought. Or just abolish the whole damn idea in the first place since it’s a disgusting relic of feudalism.
Not having to pay Tribute to the Manor Lord (the bureaucrats now) was a basic idea of the American ancestors. And property tax was originally meant to only apply to productive land - it was the original income tax. Your homestead was never meant to be taxed - that’s why there’s a Homestead Exemption in the amount of $7000 on your property tax bill: it was the 1972 baseline, kept there under Jarvis-Gann.
In 1972 that was a significant portion of actual home cost, and is meaningless now.
We already pay enough in income taxes and sales taxes to fund essential government “services” in California - no reason to hold our land and buildings hostage to a bunch of grifter scum down at the county building.
End the last artifact of The Feud in America - abolish property taxes! It’s our property, not theirs.