Most of these people would be in sympathy with the newly created felony class and want to keep their own guns. They wouldn't be amicable to shooting and injuring or killing their own citizens.
To the politicians, this is all Soros-backed Marxist politics. To the enforcers, this is personal and up close with people they would know.
I don't see this going beyond a Supreme Court ruling in favor of the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens. But if it did, it won't go well for the totalitarian, tyrannical politicians at all. The co-called civil war would be over before it started. Armed resistance and civil disobedience would win out quickly.
If I recall correctly, the Confederate military affairs office predicted and planned for a short conflict. I hope and pray that we can avoid a second civil war. If Virginia's unconstitutional gun grab goes hot and national, my models predict close to 50 million dead. A substantial majority will be (urban) democrats, but that total will include millions of decent Americans too. That disaster can be avoided if the globalists will respect our God-given rights, but that decision is completely in their hands.