Ive had an Extra Class license for almost twenty years, and I applaud your interest in Ham radio. Unfortunately, there is no ham unit that you can get that will work better than a CB radio without some investment in time and effort, especially when it comes to setting up an antenna. But, If you are willing to conquer a medium learning curve, look at a Yaesu FT-857 or the slightly larger FT-991. Both are optomised for field use, and many hams have one of these on hand, just in case.
Otherwise, you might look at some of the low power FM transmitters for sale on Amazon. Your signal could be heard on any standard FM radio and, I would guess that a 20 watt unit would carry throughout at least a 10 mile radius, and probably further with a good antenna.
Just tell the guy to go take the test, get a license, buy a VHF/UHF transceiver and start learning how to use it BEFORE THE WAR.