“....Trump turned out to be a great leader, helping millions with his policies and actions as POTUS. He has kept his word and stood up against the communists trying to tear down conservatism.
I will take the substance of his actions as more important than his past flaws.....”
Exactly...and therein, lies the truth. As a conservative Christian, I didn’t vote for Trump because he was a” lily white, tip-toe thru the tulips, perfumed individual” like this Galli clown. Yes. He’s a flawed human being just like the rest of us. He puts his pants on one leg at a time...just like the rest of us. I voted for Trump to do a job, a hard, nasty job...and the man has done phenomenally well considered the opposition he’s had from the communists.
To NOT support the POTUS is to condone and support the other side. The other side is an evil, godless, devil-worshipping horde. They worship at the alter of the abortion god, Molech. Perhaps this so-called “Christian” Galli (and I use the term “Christian” here very loosely in this context) should dwell on that thought for awhile...a good, long while. He appears to be nothing but another over-educated idiot. One has to wonder how much did Soros pay this guy to write this?
Galli and Christianity Today is controlled by Soros money.
There is nothing more to know about them.
IIRC, He’s from UC Santa Cruz and some other lefty place.
That explains pretty much everything.