What exactly are you going to take to the Supremes? The fact the guy refused a court order and refused to comply with the search warrant for the guns in his home?
If that’s what you want to hang your hat on, go ahead.
Now if you’re talking about funding the challenge to someone who has a final (temporary, up to a year, renewable) order that confiscates their firearms, that’s something I can get behind.
Idiot above was as sensible about handling the police as he was about shooting up his friend’s car. This ain’t going anywhere on appeal other than the guy going to jail.
Well, the concept of preemtive denial of Second Amendment rights. I'm not saying there are not grounds in this guy's case, but it seems obvious that the state had ample remedy available. If you want to hang your hat on this as prima facie reason for preemtive gun confiscation, make your case.