Moore My lords, my ladies, on your feet, please. (he is ignored and therefore says commandingly) I must ask you to do exactly as I say or I shall be forced to shoot you right between the eyes. (they stand up hurriedly) Well not right between the eyes, I mean when I say between the eyes, obviously I don’t have to be that accurate, I mean, if I hit you in that sort of area, like that, obviously, that’s all right for me, I mean, I don’t have to try and sort of hit a point bisecting a line drawn between your pupils or anything like that. I mean, from my point of view, it’s perfectly satisfactory...
First Lady What do you want? Why are you here?
Moore Why are any of us here? I mean, when you get down to it, it’s all so meaningless, isn’t it? I mean what do any of us want...
Buckingham No, no, what do you want now?
Moore Oh I see, oh just the usual things, a little place of my own, the right girl...
Grantley No, no, no! What do you want from us?
Moore Oh sorry. Your gold, your silver, your jewellery.
Buckingham You’ve taken it all.
First Lady This is all we’ve got left.
Moore That’s nice. I’ll have them. Come on. (he takes all the spoons)
Buckingham You’d better take the bloody lupin too.
Moore Thank you very much, I’ve gone through that stage.
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, galloping through the sward,
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, and his horse Concorde.
He steals from the rich and gives to the poor,
Mr Moore, Mr Moore, Mr Moore...etcetera!
Heh, I'll have to watch it again sometime!