Posted on 11/27/2019 10:48:42 AM PST by davikkm
Yet another staffer for Rep. Adam Schiff served as a fellow for the Atlantic Council, a think tank that is funded by and works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. Sean Misko has been described as close friends with Eric Ciaramella, whom Real Clear Investigations suggests is the likely so-called whistleblower. Misko reportedly joined Schiffs staff at the House Intelligence Committee in August the same month the so-called whistleblowers complaint was filed after first reportedly interfacing with a staffer for Schiffs office.
Misko in 2015 was a yearlong Millennium Fellow at the Burisma-funded Atlantic Council, which has been under the microscope for its ties to other individuals associated with the Trump impeachment inquiry.
Miskos former position marks the second Schiff staffer who worked or currently works with the Atlantic Council.
Thomas Eager, a staffer on Schiffs House Intelligence Committee, is currently a fellow at the Atlantic Councils Eurasia Congressional Fellowship, a bipartisan program that says it educates congressional staff on current events in the Eurasia region.
Burisma in January 2017 signed a cooperative agreement with the Council to specifically sponsor the Atlantic Councils Eurasia Center, where Eager serves as a fellow.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Hmmm... Close friends with Eric CIAmarella?
Well, they better hurry up and not do nothing
Fight for taxpayer funded "foreign aid".
Then line your family and friends up on the payroll of the company "implementing" that aid.....
Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Schiff, etc.....
Wonder why they complained about the hold on the funding?
Well, if Schiff knows close friends of Ciarmella, they can act as conduits for info without Schiff actually talking to Charley himself.
This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
May the Almighty sweep it clean.
Now you see why Schiff for brains wants to protect the WB, so adamantly. He’s mixed up with this up to his bug eyes!
Just think, Hitlery had this all to herself with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. I guess these low lifes decided to get in on the action via a different path.
Question for the WHISTLEAKER: "Did you write your complaint?"
If the answer is "No" the inquiry should be abruptly ENDED.
ALSO, WHO changed the criteria from "1st hand knowledge" to second or third hand HEARSAY? THAT person should ALSO be prosecuted for participating in THIS CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHROW OUR DULY-ELECTED PRESIDENT. This aspect of ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPLAINT MUST BE ADDRESSED.
Mr. Sean A. Misko
Director, Persian Gulf, Natrional Security Council, The White House
Washington, DC, United States
Sean is Director for the Persian Gulf on the National Security Council. Recently, he was a member of the State Departments Policy Planning Staff. In addition to advising Secretary of State John Kerry on South Asia and the Middle East, he led the staffs work on several topics, including the Obama Administrations 2015 National Security Strategy, US efforts to upgrade the international order, and an initiative to enhance US diplomatic leverage.
From 2009 to 2012, Sean served as Special Adviser to the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan (SRAP), where he coordinated negotiation of the United States-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement and was involved in efforts to facilitate a settlement of the Afghanistan conflict. Prior to joining Ambassador Richard Holbrookes team, Sean worked as a Policy Adviser to US Central Command, coauthoring an assessment of the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Sean began his government career as a Roberts Intelligence Fellow and Political Analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency. As a Presidential Management Fellow in the State Departments Office of Iranian Affairs, he shaped US policy on Irans nuclear program and regional activities. He also served as Special Assistant in the Office of Management and Budgets National Security Division.
Sean holds an MPP in International Security and Political Economy from Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of Government, as well as BA degrees in International Politics and Media Studies from Penn State University. A Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he was named a 2011 Manfred Wörner Fellow by the German Marshall Fund and recognized as a 2014 Next Generation National Security Leader by the Center for a New American Security.
He has gained weight. He is the crooked “Jack Elam” eyed guy sitting right behind Schiff during all of the public hearings.
This comes full circle to Greg Rubini’s article posted here a few weeks ago. Sean is tied deep in this.
These scum bags get wealthy trying to put/keep the US in perpetual conflict with Russia.
- Vindeman hears the phone call and immediately calls Ciaramella.
- Vindeman says since he is subject to the USMC, Ciaramella needs to make the report.
- Ciaramella reports back to Vindeman and ropes his buddy Misko in at this point -- we need to have the 'Whistleblower' form altered so I can report hearsay.
- Misko is recruited by Schiff to add to his staff specifically for the purpose of altering the 'Whistleblower' form to allow Ciaramella's hearsay.
- Schiff is all-in on the fraud at this point. Adam is relying on his staff to clam up, but once he's called in the Senate he's toast. I mean "Sergeant at Arms Stenger! Arrest this man!" on the spot toast.
- Misko tells Schiff his efforts to get the online report form changed (in July) were no burrito, and that Ciaramella's hearsay 'Whistleblower' report needs help exerting pressure to get the report form altered.
- With the 'Whistleblower' form altered by pressure from Schiff himself, Ciaramella commits his fraud.
- At the same time this is happening, Pelosi is suckered in by Ciaramella/Misko/Chalupa comrades on Pelosi's staff.
- If this goes to the Senate, the first witness McConnell will call is Schiff.
- Schiff will have to specifically explain Misko's hire.
- Schiff will have to explain why Misko was not just hired but recruited.
- Oh and btw, Schiff recruited TWO of Ciaramella's buddys , one before he got Misko. Where is Abigail Grace??
Good grief! Isn’t that a character from the Men In Black movie?!
I think Will Smith shot his head off at one point.
His middle initial ‘A’ must stand for ‘askew.’
LOL yeah, I see a clear resemblance.
I stumbled on Rango a few years ago while channel surfing and lacking any better choices I watched it. I’m not big on animated movies but that was hilarious. Really well done.
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