Now instead of straw men, go to this actual case. According to a local there are allegations that there has been a campaign of bullying of this black individual, and allegations that there has been vandalism, albeit minor, that are unmentioned in the article, and these allegations do matter. If the threats and vandalism can be traced back to this teen [as opposed to someone else], and if the victim and perp had a falling out and were not friends when this occurred, then it is not a prank but was a form of libel and harassment as well as threats and vandalism, of course. But being that the libel such as it was could not really do damage to the victim's reputation or income there's not much there to go after except for vandalism, IF the teen did it, and terroristic threats, if that is what they were. And if the falling out was not over racial hatred but over a love interest, or some other typical teenage crisis, such as hurt egos, then it's not a 'hate' crime in the spirit of the law even if his choice method of harassment used a stereotype- it's just harassment. Obviously it was not an actual effort to engage in slave trading and shouldn't be prosecuted as if it was. This was minor, not worthy of clogging up the courts [a way to harass the general public]...unless it can be proven the same perp was also a vandal or threat maker, or had assaulted the victim physically.
Thanks for the good summary.