Ken Starr now on Faux news citing Schiff trying to link the third article of impeachment against Nixon - obstruction
Basis. Sondlands I couldn’t get info I needed to refresh my memory.
Starr weasels enough to make it sound like its doomsday.
if he’s being paid to be on Faux , its probably what they wanted him to say as
they still think we take Faux as being “ fair and balanced”
Its all about viewership at this point. Any show that has Cris Wallace commenting I discount.
I like Hemmer, but he has to follow whatever the show directors put in front of him
so lets see how the rest of the day plays out....
Will be very interesting to see Republicans cross on this and how they counter Schiff and Sonderland
To know so much before,
Nunes shows he did not know much!!