While I attempt to correct others on this as well, the writer IS against the Democrats - so I’ll cut them a break! Another pet peeve of mine - I try never to refer to them as the Democratic Party or Democratic Senator - I use the term Democrat instead.
We DO have a democratic form of government - a democratic republic. (Boy - those founding fathers were really smart and inspired by God IMHO.)
The writer is against constitutional republicanism so I'm not giving them a break.
We DO have a democratic form of government - a democratic republic.
We have democratic elements in our form of government. The Constitution makes America a Constitutional Republic.
If we are a democratic republic, as you claim, then simply prove it.
As you can see, I'm not giving you a break either.
You know...something that thing called the Constitution requires in certain circumstances. (see footnotes page 1 in link above)
My evidence of democratic elements in our form of government.
I see you have yet to provide evidence for your assertion.
May I presume by your inaction that you were just full of BS and ignorance on this issue all along?
Have you learned something today?
(rhetorical questions, but you can answer them if you want)