Gas prices of $4 to $5 a gallon the result of high taxes, hyper-regulation and green mandates add insult to the injury of stalled commuters. Gas tax increases ostensibly intended to fund freeway expansion and repair continue to be diverted to the states failing high-speed rail project.
The voters approved a doubling of the gasoline tax & significant increase in annual registration fees in 2017, effective 07/01/19. New Governor Newsom has just shifted some of these promised road repair funds to a government plan to discourage car use in the future.
Residents shrug that the states public schools are among weakest in the nation, often ranking in the bottom quadrant in standardized test scores. Elites publicly oppose charter schools but often put their own kids in private academies.
Classic elite action; "Do as I say, ignore what I actually do!"
About one-third of the nations welfare recipients live in California.
Classic marketing maxim ignored by the LEFT; make free stuff attractive and you will get more people coming in to get it!
I feel I should have compassion for CA citizens.
But all the immoral, progressive crap theyve created, both their own and whats been modeled for the rest of our once-great nation, prevents any compassion in me. FCA.