At the time bankers were condemned for NOT giving enough loans to black citizens. They were called racists and told they were 'red lining'. In fact bankers were using the same "FICO" standards across the board for blacks and whites, but since a higher percentage of black residents didn't have savings accounts OR pay their bills on time, they were turned down for loans more often.
It wasn't racism - it was reality.
The government stepped in to stop the 'unfairness' and forced banks to make loans they knew would fail. In order to convince banks to go along with this nutty idea, the government agreed to take the risk. (Yes, the idiots in DC were sure it was only prejudice that was making bankers turn away legitimate business)
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor should go back to the original stories - and pull some quotes from the time... The Times was all in on this insanity.
At the very least, Washington must renew its commitment to aggressively enforce its own civil rights laws and ruthlessly punish offenders.
The more the liberal Left obtains power then the more its lust to "ruthlessly punish offenders" of its ideology will become a reality.