Wait, no...didn’t he bring diseases purposed to kill native Americans, and didn’t he bring African slaves with him? /sarc
I’m honoring Columbus because he is one of the most important figures in our history.
No European, no matter how sophisticated in medical science, nor anyone similar in any other land, be it an Arab or Chinese, knew how diseases were transmitted or acquired.
Most learned people thought vapors called miasmas were the cause.
So there was no purposeful germ warfare of any kind.
The Columbian exchange between the New and Old worlds was an epic to behold. Ireland grew (and died) because of the Incan potato. Syphilis came from the Caribbean and struck down many European nobility, changing history. The Salvation of Jesus was brought to the New World. Tobacco, corn (Indian girl: we call it maize), tomatoes, squash, beans, came into the world. Wheels, cows, pigs and horses were brought to the New World.
And Englishmen, seeking freedom to worship God in their own way, came to the shores of North America, giving us our own legacy of Freedom.
Do Social Justice Warriors get to hide all that?
No. Fight back against Marxist idiocy!