They should have arrested some of the more violent ones right away.
They still could have gotten more from the videos.
LEO’s can multi-task if they are allowed to.
Antifa needs to be declared a terrorist group and rounded up whenever they show up anywhere with their masks on and cement milkshakes.
Remember Berkeley?
They could have arrested hundreds of them, rounded them up and put them in busses.
Did any get arrested later?
Millions of $ damage, Uni cops and city cops had stand down orders.
Benghazi had stand down order also, and 4 died.
Was Obama arrested?
Was Hillary arrested?
Was it Trump’s fault?
The Dark, Big Brother, America of your dreams, led by the twisted mind, Democrat, Mayor, Jacob Frey of Minneapolis, Minnesota who unleashed his scum & vermin Antifa, hate America. twisted animals loose onto the streets of Minneapolis to haress the MPD (Police) & Trump rally attendees.
But, the ‘evil” dreams and schemes of the low life, Democrat, Mayor, Jacob “The Obama/Biden/Pelosi Pajama Boy” Frey, came to naught, zero, nothing, zippo, while POTUS, Trump in all his glory and love from the American people addressed 45,000 folks in the Target Center Arena and the surrounding area!!! Magnificent!!!
The Dark, Big Brother, America of your dreams, led by the twisted mind, Democrat, Mayor, Jacob Frey of Minneapolis, Minnesota who unleashed his scum & vermin Antifa, hate America. twisted animals loose onto the streets of Minneapolis to haress the MPD (Police) & Trump rally attendees.
But, the ‘evil” dreams and schemes of the low life, Democrat, Mayor, Jacob “The Obama/Biden/Pelosi Pajama Boy” Frey, came to naught, zero, nothing, zippo, while POTUS, Trump in all his glory and love from the American people addressed 45,000 folks in the Target Center Arena and the surrounding area!!! Magnificent!!!