Interesting...if only the WOKE ones thought about their bodies like they TRY to think about the EARTH....
Have you seen the commercials for the HPV vaccine? That is being recommended for 12-year-olds. There are two commercials, one with a man in his early twenties, the other with a woman. They both have cancer from HPV exposure and the ad shows them going back in time through their teens until they are about twelve years old. Both ask, “Mom, Dad, did you you know about this vaccine?” Now, things being the way they are, and considering HPV is often asymptotic, I guess it’s a good thing the vaccine exists. But the commercials assume kids are going to be promiscuous. I would think abother question parents might be asked is are they raising their children to have the moral foundation , self-respect, and good judgment that would lead them away from the promiscuity and other behaviors that would put themselves at risk?