Only 65 miles?
Illegal aliens (I am in NY, but not NYC) approach this section of new wall.
“This wasn’t here the last time.” I guess we will have to go around it, but boy am I tired.”
The IA hollers to someone on the U.S. side of the wall/barrier/fence.
“How far is the end of this wall/barrier/fence?”
“Oh, it’s just a partial wall/barrier/fence. You can just walk around either end of it. It’s only 32 1/2 MILES in either direction. You should hurry, because it gets father and father every day.”
“Only 65 miles?”
It is actually a bunch of smaller segments, that were bundled into 3 batches (22, 22, and 21 miles worth) for contractors to bid on.
Each of these new segments are going to connect separately contracted segments, or small existing segments, together into a long continuous barrier.
About 32 additional miles have recently been awarded on 5 separate contracts down there (for massive levee wall system, where flood control considerations require it, vs. these contracts for the less technically challenging normal wall system on the higher ground). Flood levees down there must meet demanding FEMA specifications, because they get hurricanes from the nearby Gulf of Mexico. They are deep and massive, specialized concrete structures, that far fewer contractors could compete for.
So it will be about 97 new miles, plus potential options included in those contracts, plus existing segments. It is going to be essentially a continuous new super barrier, well over 100 miles long - except for the five exceptions written into the appropriations language (each just about a mile or two opening, but covered by new technology and increased Border Patrol presence).
The new stuff is a complete system, not just barrier. It comes with high speed, all weather roads, a 150 foot wide cleared observation area on the South side, stadium lighting, and persistent surveillance with powerful day/night cameras, as well as multiple sensors and alarm systems.
Artificial intelligence software will unblinkingly monitor all the feeds, and automatically slew the cameras and alert the operators to anything detected - close to 100% detection. Very different from the existing hundred miles of heavily vegetated complex terrain.