Mike (sic) - I really do not care about someone’s life history. For example, whether one’s Papa had high cheekbones; that they were dirt poor growing up; that their Dad worked two jobs in order to put all of his children through college; that they had a single mom because they suffered through alcoholism with dad. That is all irrelevant. I want someone - like President Donald J. Trump - who can actually get things done to Keep America Great. Who will try to limit spending. Who will turn back the power grab by the Federal government. You get the drift. Your approach to Warren as an acceptable candidate is immature and shallow.
Let’s see Pocahontas lied for years about her background to get a job a Harvard.
Mika that got her job from her Daddy that is Anti-American is a founder Al Qaeda.
Mika also cheated on her husband and hooked up with another married man.
Yeah I can see why she feels so connected to Pocahontas.
Could have fooled me