100% correct. We the people have lost control of our Govt and it no longer represents the people. Politicians go to DC to do good and then up doing very well. We need to stop it somehow once and for all. Term limits on them all.
“We need to stop it somehow once and for all.”
I agree completely, but term limits is NOT the solution. You don’t change hearts and minds with law, rules, orders, or suggestions. In fact as evidence I would say the Amendment to the Constitution that limits the President to two terms is going to bite really bad in four or five years. There is no one visible in the wings to fill DJT’s shoes. And then what? Hearts and minds. DJT is evidence. Where is another just like him because that’s what it takes to run a free country. Notice how busy the democrats are in passing legislation. DJT has them totally tied up in knots, they are not capable of doing anything, because he is there. So they are forced to concentrate on ridding themselves of him before they can do anything. To our everlasting benefit. The less Congress does for or to us, the better, and most especially a Democrat Congress.