There will be an impeachment. The Rats have dug themselves a hole they cannot get out of.
They’ve thrown so much bloody red meat at their frothing hyenas (their base) that they would utterly get mauled if they took it back.
Also, they think it’s an insurance policy against Trump appointing a replacement for Buzzy if she goes underground. They’ll scream, “how can you let a president that’s getting impeached appoint a justice?”
It also means that any trade progress is dead. The Chinese won’t give an inch to Trump given his predicament.
Tariffs have handcuffed China, and China wants the cuffs off. Using this flimsy impeachment mania as an excuse not to deal with the U.S. hurts only China, since Trump would keep the tariffs in place - if not increase the percent and add tariffs to other categories of goods.