They tried a vape product in the last 30 days is what the study found (24%) 'Regular use' of at least once a day is about 8% vs 6% smoking cigarettes. Interestingly, there's no result pairing the two data points - I'd very much like to know how much of the 6% smoking cigarettes (or other tobacco products) also are part of the 8% who have used a vaping product at least once a day.
1/3 of high school students also tried an alcoholic drink in the last 30 days. Obviously we need to ban alcohol...
As for it being a gateway - please tell me how someone goes from pickle flavored vaping to smoking? Oh, but I could see an easier path if people are vaping ash tray flavored liquids (the result of banning flavors...)
I'd also like to see reliable data on what percentage smoked tobacco before vaping even existed vs how many smoke tobacco now.