Too much Round Up and similar pesticides sprayed all over those tender green shoots many birds like to eat.
Toxified “weeds” + Dirrty Dirt + Tainted H20 = Less insects + amphibians ,worms = Less food for birds.
Ground Nesting birds have to use those now toxified “weeds” for their nests.
Round up (glyphosate) acts against specific plant genes, mammals, birds, fish do not have plant genes. Its an internet/legal meme that glyphosate causes harm to anything other than plants. There is absolutely no scientific evidence supporting hearsay claims of harming anything other than plants.
Glyphosate only persists in the soil for a maximum of 3 days before breaking down.
The cited formula is bunk/BS.
Birds are being chopped up by the millions in wind farms and fried in solar farms, while the bat deaths are not even recorded, there are so many.