“anti-corruption” is a Maoist platitude.
The only way there would be no corruption in government is if there is no government.
Verfied, certified lying POS will end corruption. Okee Dokee then.
Promises, promises. The corruption is never ended, only the recipients of the corruption change.
Corruption is OK, but only if I get my cut first. < /sarcasm >
Ours will be the most ethical administration in American history.
Ours will be the most transparent administration in American history.
Sound familiar?
As Godmother of the Democratic party crime syndicate would the minions really listen to her?
Anything anyone needs to know about Warren and curruption can be learned from her Consumer Financial Proctection Bureau, which operated as a slush fund for democrats.
Ok Liz, start with Hillary. Then we’ll talk.
Who was it who promised “the most ethical administration ever?” I must have missed it!!