I have not heard about this.
Did Steyn try to start his own You Tube channel or something?
I do know he has been in very expensive litigation with a NASA global warming scientist for many years.
It was actually a deal with Mark Levin’s CRTV that went sour and got really ugly.
People who wonder why we don’t have a “conservative network” can get an education by reading about that shameful episode of one set of “conservatives” trying to ruin others:
The rise of Celebrity Conservatives and Professional Conservatives has led to this. A lot of them are opportunists and frauds or plain GOPe paid mouthpieces.
In the years leading up to Reagan’s election the vast majority of conservative writers and thinkers had real jobs and weren’t trying to make a living off of fame and their name. That all changed with the advent of cable TV and talk radio in the 1990s. And there’s a load of them on twitter as well which comes as a surprise to most people.
Eric Hoffer, the mysterious longshoreman philosopher of a bygone era, said that great ideas start as movements, become businesses, and then end as rackets.