RE: Steyn, I thought he hitched his wagon to Levin TV, but Levin, et. al., didn't produce so Steyn sued and won. Not sure what he planned to do with the settlement, but I admit to not following it further.
I dunno if the Steyn vs CRTV/BlazeTV lawsuit is finished yet or not. Court cases can drag on for years. But it’s a shining example of how hard it is to develop a new media outlet, in this case with everyone supposedly on the same side politically.
Steyn won a $4 million arbitration award against Blaze TV. Blaze TV failed to meet the conditions of his employment. Steyn was also recently awarded $1 million in attorney fees.
Levin joined up with Blaze TV and wasnt happy that Steyn yes Blaze TV.
Steyn resisted becoming involved with Blaze TV because he told them he has additional interests he didnt want to give up. Blaze TV wouldnt take no for an answer and agreed to demands they had no chance of meeting. Blaze failed to meet the terms of the contract, so Steyn sues them and won.
Hmm that’s interesting, I didn’t know about that.
Levin TV et all is also tied in with Glenn Beck in some way.
I wish Steyn had his own radio show....he is SMART and HILARIOUS!