War Boner says what?
Yknow whats disrespectful? A whining back stabbing twit who has never once helped anybody hes been employed with.
Bolton should do the right thing and just shut up.
WTF? Maybe he ought to go be the National Security Advisor for Israel.
There was a time I thought I liked this guy.
I was obviously misinformed.
Bad move by Bolton. But Trump kicking him out the door the way he did never made sense to me. It simply increased the risk that Bolton would want revenge. Well the revenge came.
Would a softer agreed to dismissing of Bolton avoided this. Maybe, maybe not. I doubt we will every know.
Bolton is speaking nonsense.
Inviting taliban scum in is a bad idea. On this I agree with Bolton.
I agree with what he said but he should have kept it to himself.
Isn't there such a thing as a "decent interval" anymore?
Bolton has been working on this stuff for decades! If its still so messed up it just shows his ineptitude
For liberals, if President Trump responded to Iran’s moves, WITH John Bolton, it would be “neo-con” John Bolton making it happen.
Now the liberals will be flocking to John Bolton. Heh.
It almost smells like “good cop-bad cop”. The timing of everything is weird. We live in interesting times.
unlike many folks here, i have liked somethings about Bolton.
but inviting the terrorists to Camp David was a terrible idea.
Terrorists must be eliminated, not given invitations!!!!!!!!
(and we made the mistake of “dealing” with Muslim terrorists at Camp David with the damned PLO! I’ve no desire to invite more bloodthirsty Muslims to talks, negotiations, or Camp David for anything.
We have found another one of the leaks.
All the nonsense about us attacking NK and Iran came from Bolton or someone on his staff.
Retire...your future is over
As time has gone by, my opinion of John Bolton has changed from very good, to not so good.
Auditioning for a job on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc.
Will it take months or weeks for him to make the rounds?
Probably days.
It’s called rejection, John.
Is he a has-been yet?
Here we go again.