The nanny-state in action.
An old recipe. Government tries to regulate industry. Industry resists. OMG, your product is KILLING people! Industry now more compliant.
No, I think until they find out what is killing these kids its a common sense move. The flavor manufacturers can apply for approval one by one. I think they will find it is the street knockoffs that are the problem.
Force is obvious: it's related to either common defense against a foreign enemy, or to prevent/control/punish criminal action committed by domestic outlaws.
But what about fraud? Where does one draw the line? We know the ancient Hebrews developed a number of purity laws, which were encompassed within religious proscriptions. Everyone knows about German beer purity laws, but few are aware they actually date back to circa 900 CE, not just the more familiar & current rules adopted during the 16th century.
How do you guys feel about child labor laws and compulsory education? The justification of course was to prevent the exploitation of youth, which could then be dumped on society after they were used, broken and useless for any further productive work.
So, let's talk flavored tobacco. How are proposed regulations & prohibitions any different from a wide range of products regulated to prevent/mitigate adulterants? Wouldn't these types of policies be similar to any other that gave range to *informed* adult decisions, while also barring the exploitation of additive qualities directed towards children?
Finally, once you're on this type of intellectual glide path, what about the cost to society to deal with either the mentally ill and/or criminal class? Both are net drain on society, but the downside to ignoring these populations are the types of public health crises developing in cities like LA what with all the filth and disease.
Im going to withhold judgment on this Trump Chess move to troll liberals and statists.
Im sure that while he was playing golf with Rush Limbaugh and Rush was vaping In the golf cart He explained it to him.