Every morning when I drive into work, I would listen to a talk n news station.
On September 11th I didn’t. I had just bought the Allman Brothers Greatest Hits CD, so I was rockin’ it on the highway. Statesboro Blues, the Whippin’ Post, Jessica and Elizabeth Reed were sung by me and boys all the way in.
When I got to work, my friend Jerry was outside waiting for me. He said a plane had hit the WTC. I, being a history geek, said ok and started telling him about the B-24 that hit the Empire State Building in WWII...
By the time I put my bags down and we started walking to the conference room (with TV on), my friend Cris shouted to us, “Another one just hit the other Tower!!”
I knew then that was no accident.
I can still smell the fresh coffee (I’m in the Central time soon, so around 7:45ish, we had to be in at 8:00) feel the coolness of the hallway, and hear Cris so clearly all these years later.
Geesh me!
Im retired USAF. I should know better... not a Liberator but a Mitchell!
B-25, not B-24...