High level Democrats in the Obama Admin and Congress , along with some Republicans. either committed serious crimes or were ensnared
Grand juries and indictments will be forthcoming as the Trump Admin executes its end game prosecution strategy for the guilty
Impeachment is part of the Democrats counter strategy to limit damage. The cant cover everything up but if they raise the stakes against members of the Trump Admin, they generate enough leverage to limit the scope of the investigAtion and restrict prosecution to a small group of sacrificial lambs who receive very light slaps on the wrist
That itself also opens them to risks.
Namely, that Trump will double-down on then releasing more on the coup.
In fact, he might actually be doing so, behind the scenes.
At worst, he could go Gotterdamerung all on them.
Barr, time is of the essence indict now or forever hold your peace and see how a civil/guerilla war starts from inaction. We don’t have royalty in the USA -or do we? A nation without equal justice is not worth living in, but maybe worth fighting for. flight or fight, decisions decisions.