Posted on 09/01/2019 7:01:35 PM PDT by naturalman1975
As Cardinal Pell prepares his next and final legal move an appeal to the High Court from the discomfort of solitary confinement, amid growing alarm at the rejection of his appeal by a majority of Judges sitting as the Victorian Court of Appeal, much of the recent commentary on the case has focused on post-trial developments.
There is emerging concern, not just among Pells small army of supporters, or even just Catholics, but among observers of the legal system and those who cherish individual protections under the law, that not only was a wrong inflicted on an innocent man, but that a dangerous new direction has been charted for future legal cases. In particular, there has been a radical shift in the onus of proof occasioned by the Victorian Court of Appeal. This seems to apply especially to he said/she said or he said/he said cases and to the sexual abuse of minors, the latter being the cause of a virtual societal meltdown as the horrors of the abuse scandals have come into the light of day.
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Spot on!
It can happen anytime the prosecutor decides to “win at all costs.” Remember in the late 1980s to 1990s, the US justice system went after child care operators. More than a few people were put in jail for some of the preposterous allegation of child abuse. Some spent years and years in jail on trumped up charges.
Wow! Thanks for a fascinating and long read!
People who turn a blind eye are evil in their essence.
Gee, I would like to be schmoozed like this, I can wave a bible and u can throw money at me and get nothing in return too.
We’ll pray for you.
Yes, the 'wave' of media leading to the public opinion that enables prosecutions on such beliefs as young children do not lie about such matters. The fact that 'advocates' filled malleable minds with frequently preposterous images was left hidden/unchallengeable from the defense lawyers. Would the Waco Massacre still have happened if Janet Reno, a third choice for US Attorney General by Bill Clinton, not have come to fame as one of those prosecutors?
I know little about this Australian case but I do know how these opinion waves can swamp considered opinion by even the most judicious. In America it went from the Salem Witch Trials to the Nisei Internments to these aforementioned daycare prosecutions and almost always 20/20 hindsight sees the injustices imposed.
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