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To: Alas Babylon!


Goodness while President Trump is overseas while the Fake Media pundits discussed the error of his ways on yesterday’s Sunday political talk shows.

Why, I ask Chuck Todd, a big nothing-burger acts like he’s so damn smart on “Meet the Press”, what the hell is wrong with the President of the United States of America demanding that other countries treat us fair and adhere fairly to agreements they made with us?

Now yon readers, I ask that question but I bet I know THEIR answer.

“We do not demand fairness in the world,” Chuck Todd would say (what a smart guy, just so damned smart) or require adherence to agreements because we want those countries to like us. We want to be like Sally Field at the Oscars…”THEY LIKE US. THEY REALLY LIKE US.”

We want them to like us so we give them money, throw away our pride, allow ourselves to be cheated upon.

BUT THEY LIKE US , would say Chuck Todd, Jake Tapper, Chris Wallace, the whole silly bunch of them.




Liu, speaking at a tech conference in southwest China’s Chongqing, said nobody benefited from a trade war.

“We are willing to resolve the issue through consultations and cooperation in a calm attitude and resolutely oppose the escalation of the trade war,” Liu, who is President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser, said, according to a government transcript.



“Bombshell”….soon to come to our neighborhood theater.

I chanced to see some of the reviews of this movie and since I am a devotee of Fox News Network, I’m interested.

It is the story of Roger Ailes, a big fat ugly dude…what any woman would see in him is lost on me, and Fox Cable news. We have former Miss America Gretchan Carlson and Meghan Kelly. Both claim to have been harassed sexually in some manner by Roger Ailes.

Gretchen is the female who got swimsuits banned in the Miss America contest but that didn’t last long. Noble idea but come on Gretchen, it’s what it’s all about. And Meghan Kelly? One of the biggest losers ever on Fox cable news.

But yeah, I’ll go see it.


I enjoy watching the Sunday political talk shows, not that I have a life or anything. But talk shows, hell I can clean, sit on my porch….I don’t really need to SEE the TV and so I listen while busy and watch when chance comes upon.

This past Sunday I realized something as if a huge lightbulb popped bright in my head.

On every show (almost all) they had guests who despised President Trump. All they did all day was discuss how dumb Trump was to be dealing so roughly with the very tender-hearted Chinese. Even former Governor of New Jersey said Trump means well with these trade complaints and offers to change them….Christie.

As they all sat and discussed Trump and how wrong he was on everything he has done since getting elected….as they sat and moaned over how Trump is handling Afghanistan all wrong….how Trump is pathetic may he be gone soon….and nothing was even close to the truth. It was if the audience was not even there, they were just talking amongst themselves.

The economy (last Sunday all day they discussed the coming recession until I want to spit) is doing great. He won with making Jerusalem the capital of Israel and recognized by America (they spent one whole Sunday discussing how Jerusalem should not be the capital), there is a general peace in the world.

Yet yada, yada, these very smart, smarter than any of us do not disobey, news people criticize Trump every week and…..THEY ARE ALWAYS WRONG.

So after spending a day listening to them sit at their political round table complaining about Trump’s awful handling of those who cheat America every day….and this morning guess what? Turns out Japan and China both agreed to come back to the table.

The stock market will rise mightily as I write this before the stock market opens.

And Lord how I adore Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, Jake Tapper…..Steponallofus….they are so smart.

Just ignore that they haven’t been right about a single thing this year.



All the congress critters are on vacay. It’s several days before Labor Day, when the unfortunates who live near the beach look forward to the tourists return home.

President trump did go to the G7 conference and that made news for a couple of days.

But the big news of this date is what is called the “Video Music Awards”. It’s an MTV thing and like all the awards shows before, fewer and fewer Americans across the fruity plains awards bother watching. Soon we shall not be watching football either.

But since it’s a low news week, below a list of the winners in a few categories.

Sure they all were snarky about the president, the idiots who really need to shut the hell up and sing. But I’ll not mention their snotty commentary but I will suggest that Taylor Swift should shut up, sweetheart. You are a dumb nitwit and nobody cares about your politics.


Video of the year

21 Savage ft. J. Cole - "a lot"

Billie Eilish - "Bad Guy"

Ariana Grande - "thank u, next"

Jonas Brothers - "Sucker"

Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus - "Old Town Road (Remix)"

WINNER: Taylor Swift - "You Need to Calm Down"

Artist of the year

Cardi B

Billie Eilish

WINNER: Ariana Grande


Jonas Brothers

Shawn Mendes

Song of the year

Drake - "In My Feelings"

Ariana Grande - "thank u, next"

Jonas Brothers - "Sucker"

Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - "Shallow"

WINNER: Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus - "Old Town Road (Remix)"

Taylor Swift - "You Need to Calm Down"

Best new artist

Ava Max

WINNER: Billie Eilish


Lil Nas X





I don’t know what a Labor Secretary does. Heck, I didn’t even know we HAD a Labor Secretary.

But our new Secretary of Labor is the son of Justice Antonin Scalia. Alexander Acosta had been Labor Secretary but he resigned allegedly due to strange thing that happened in dealing with the sweet and wonderful Jeffery Epstein in a Florida trial.



President Trump on Tuesday officially nominated longtime labor lawyer Eugene Scalia to be secretary of Labor.

Trump said back in July that he planned to tap Scalia, who is the son of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, for the post days after Alexander Acosta resigned as Labor secretary.

Scalia served as the top legal officer at the Department of Labor during the George W. Bush administration and previously was a special assistant to Attorney General William Barr during his first stint as the top law enforcement officer under the George H.W. Bush administration.

Scalia, currently a partner at law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, has a career history of representing businesses and fighting to roll back labor regulations. One of his more prominent cases involved representing Walmart as the retail giant fought a Maryland law on employee health care.



So the funeral home would not let the guy dress like a woman even though he’s a man.

I mean, come on, Funerals require a certain amount of decorum. To have guests and funeral attendees be greeted by Burt dressed up like Bertha….it’s just not right people.

So they fired the guy, the guy complained (name Aimee Stephens but I bet HIS first name is NOT Aimee) filed a case with the EEOC. The Funeral Home’s decision to fire him was upheld.

But then a federal district court, #6, overturned that decision.

The Department of Justice maintains that the Civil Rights law does not include anything but biological only sexual discrimination as against the law.

I’m not sure if the DOJ has the last word on this or not. Should it go to the Supreme Court?




The DOJ’s brief filed Friday in the R.G. and G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission case contended it is the role of Congress, not the courts, to amend the law to include gender identity, if it chooses to do so.

Aimee Stephens, a biological man who identifies as a woman, filed a complaint with the EEOC in 2014 for wrongful termination against R.G. and G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, claiming unlawful discrimination based on sexual identity.

The funeral home dress code has certain requirements in accordance with industry standards for men and women. Nevertheless, the EEOC determined the funeral home discriminated against Stephens by requiring its employee to dress as a man.

A federal district court ruled in the funeral home’s favor in 2016; in March 2018, however, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found Stephens was wrongfully fired.


NOT Politics by Pat


There is a lesbian couple on "Bachelor in Paradise", proof the world has gone to hell in a hand basket. Her name is Demi and she's beautiful. So is her "girlfriend". Anybody thinks lesbians look like those two, I got a bridge to sell cheap.



This is what happens when age comes upon you. Not that a single person in the reading audience gave helpful suggestions. I tore the bathroom closet apart which is where I keep my towels for the bathroom. I tossed through kitchen drawers which is where I keep my dish towels.


This past week I did my laundry. I don't do the laundry all that much because it's just me. Maybe once a month. I open the washing machine and there in the bottom, completely dry but twisted and tortured as clothes tend to get from the rinse cycle.

Evidently I forgot to take them out of the washing machine as would be the norm.

I almost went out and bought more towels of all kinds as I scratched my head and pondered how someone could lose easily a dozen or more towels.



I stupidly visited a web site listing failed reality shows through the years. It was the sort of thing that caught my interest but AH! That’s when they get you.

An advertisement pops up here, one over there, one down here, one up there. Then one pops up right in the middle of the screen a big box advertising, I dunno, adult diapers. Since that box is blocking what you clicked in to see, you click the “X” on that box to get it out of the way. More advertisements pop up all over the screen, these adverts not necessarily blocking your view but surely slowing down your computer mightily.

But once I clicked on the big X on the thing in the middle of my screen another box pops up asking why I do not want to view this advertisement. It’s multiple choice but I DIDN’T CLICK INTO THE SITE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT ADULT DIAPERS BY GOOGLE!!

Even when I chose “I don’t use this product” as my multiple choice answer still the box, now empty with Google’s promise they won’t show it to me again, remained in the middle of the screen.

Meanwhile another ad popped up here, one over there, one on the bottom, one on the top.

Finally I screamed in my agony and vowed not to fall for their horrible click bait anymore.

Yes I know that advertising is a function of business. But you really can go too far.

When TV has advertisement, well now they have ways to bypass commercials on recorded programs. But even if watching live, at least one could go to the bathroom as a commercial airs, maybe catch up on email.

When those online advertisements are slowing down your computer to a crawl there’s nothing you can do but sit and wait. And now they got these sleazy games that you must answer their questions even as you desperately try to get them out of your life.





Got a couple of news items, some big, some little. As of this writing it is about 48 hours from Hurricane Dorian making landfall. And as of this time it is believed the storm has a good chance of blooming to a force 4 hurricane and will engulf all of Florida.

First, here in America come the first hurricane of the season everyone gets a bit excited. By the end of September it’s almost boredom upon as by then perhaps a dozen hurricanes sprung up and/or struck somewhere across the fruity plains.

But Dorian does sound like a big guy. Floridians are used to hurricanes but I have a few relatives living down that way. They are a bit nervous.



An exhumation of a former patient was made and it was determined that he had been injected with insulin when he was NOT a diabetic.

The hospital is in West Virginia and wow is this odd. Up to nine people are alleged to have been murdered while patients at this VA hospital



U.S. senator from West Virginia is vowing to get answers amid reports that at least nine deaths are being investigated as suspicious at the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and after an additional death was ruled a homicide.

A story released Friday by WVNews reported that a lawyer for the family of a deceased patient had filed a complaint with the Department of Veterans Affairs, alleging that their relative died after being given an injection of insulin he did not need. The family also alleged that other patients had died under similar circumstances, and that workers at the hospital were aware of the suspicious deaths.



First of all, she never had a chance of winning. Second….well she’s not the brightest bulb in the lamp. But that’s one down and about a dozen to go.



I heard on the cable shows that America has been in Afghanistan for 18 years. My ears were a little shocked.

Has it really been that long?

And yet where are we in that godforsaken country? First the Taliban ran things. Then you got ISIS. There is no central or effective government.

President Trump wants to get American troops and equipment out of that hell hole and most of America wishes so too.

We remember Vietnam, many of us out here across the fruity plains. Vietnam was the most horrifically fought war ever. It wasn’t that the USA couldn’t beat them. It’s that, like too many American battles overseas, we do a lousy job.

Afghanistan was attacked by America because it is believed that the Taliban, including Osama Bin Laden, used that country with nothing going for it save growing heroin, to practice attacking the buildings of foreign countries. Like America’s World Trade Center, for example.

And now almost 18 years later we’re still there?


President Trump, get our troops out of there. Islam does not work well with earthly and orderly government. Keep a crew there to watch what those heathens get up to.

Bring the rest of them home, please.



I admit I do not understand what’s going on in Hong Kong. But I am learning.

Seems that Britain had a lease with China to control Hong Kong for 99 years. Now those 99 years are up and China takes over the reins.

Only the people living in Hong Kong don’t want to be governed by China.

And why would they?

We all remember Tiananmen Square. I remember that scene well, the young man standing in front of the tank. The young man gets run over by the tank.

The Red Chinese people are really awful people. THIS time the Chinese are trying to not have a repeat of Tiananmen Square, or at least keep such things out of the public eye.

Below, the latest on Hong Kong.




So the IG Horowitz delivers a report blasting Comey for his terrible behavior, his lies.

And what does Comey do? With no humility whatsoever the guy puts out a blurb that HE SHOULD BE APOLOGIZED TO.

Dear Lord I despise that man. So does much of America. He is Deep State and tries not to keep it a secret.

Karma is a bitch. Comey got off per the AG Barr but I am patient. Comey’s going to get his due, I know it.

And how about that awful Lawrence O’Donnell? Gets on TV and says that President Trump has loans and co-signers on the loans include Russian Oligarchs.

I don’t think this was an accident. Somebody, maybe Val Jarrett or that crowd, phoned him up and told him to announce it, then apologize the next day.

They want to keep Trump and Russia as a conjoined team and did so with a little help from the fabulously honest MSNBC. Yes O’Donnell apologized the next day but that’s not enough.

The Trumps are fighting back. Fingers crossed that both Comey and O’Donnell meet their Karma.


MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell tried to weasel his way out of reporting fake news about President Trump colluding with Russian oligarchs, by ‘apologizing’ on air Thursday night. However, Eric Trump says it’s too late, and warned O’Donnell that he will face legal action over the slur.

O’Donnell essentially did the bare minimum in an effort to avoid legal consequences, saying “I should not have said it on-air or posted it on Twitter. I was wrong to do so.”

“Last night on this show, I discussed information that wasn’t ready for reporting. I repeated statements a single source told me about the president’s finances and loan documents with Deutsche Bank saying ‘if true’—as I discussed the information – was simply not good enough,” he said.


6 posted on 09/01/2019 4:27:52 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Fishtalk
Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.


I forgot to add the above verbiage to my post above.

So let me add and meanwhile, I ask that you might consider my blurb about the torture of ads at web sites that destroy your sanity.

As such, please consider throwing some bucks into FreeRepublic's fund raiser as, notice...NO ADS!!!

Not to mention it's a fairly well organized site and did I mention it was filled with great people?

8 posted on 09/01/2019 4:42:22 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Fishtalk
Excellent stuff once again Fish!Especially on the tariffs. The drivebys want everyone to lose sight of what is actually happening which is that Trump is the first potus to take the world on not only the Chicoms but "the entire world" has been screwing us on tariffs for decades. Enter Trump.He says; "no more" and goes to work asking only for'

..................A FAIR DEAL LITTLE MORE.............

15 posted on 09/01/2019 5:04:12 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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