Stanford, one of the world’s best colleges for sure, has done some extremely racist things like this before...(including once one of its leading professional schools “reserved 100 percent of its scholarship funds for persons of one race” plus they’ve failed to rid themselves of some serious anti-Semitism problems on occasion, too)
In those prior racist situations, any reasonably intelligent and moral administrator could have prevented or fixed the dangers... but instead the university created or enabled them instead
Stanford is pretty obviously not as sicko as some other colleges are nowadays....but it does seem to exhibit a propensity to outright racism -— discriminationin the name of “advancing” racial sub=groups it happens to favor at the moment.
Just saying... that even the best of the best colleges these days can exhibit some absolutely reprehensible behavior, policies...colleges are prime sites for “politically correct” prejudices ... as well as, obviously, Satanic Islamic hate displays
Stanford, one of the worlds best colleges for sure,....