The people staunchly pushing for red flag will never vote for Trump no matter what he does. So we’ll see what Trump ends up doing.
IMO Trump needs to take the conversation to another, more serious level. While the media talks about racism (what instigated all the mass killers before we had a ‘racist president’?) there are serious issues to explore. For example, we know the guy in Dayton admitted to a ‘mental illness’. In either case both of the murderers clearly were mentally ill, ungrounded. I would like to know if either of them, or both of them, were taking mood altering drugs, anti-depressants etc. Or, if they were addicted to illicit drugs.
I know this is not a unique observation, but a number of the previous mass murderers were on mood altering prescriptions. Those drugs may work great for 99% of the people but they all say right on their labels that in small numbers of subjects tested they exhibited paranoia, rage, hallucination, ideation etc. Just run the numbers if X million people are on these drugs that means X thousands of people are being driven mad.
Betts praised amphetamines. Crusius’ dad said that he was a drug addict for 40 years.