Its always one of the 3 Rs:
Racist, Russia, and/or Republican.
Remember when the “racists” killed two white people and blamed it on OJ?
And those that do not give a shiite what liberals think.
If you shed tears while watching the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”, you are certainly not a racist; if you don’t, then yeah, you are.
Want to know who is racist and in what way? Look at this photo at Fox News.
I think that title is retorical to Leftists.
Or, is it dividing and categorizing, and cataloging, and applying un-natural requirements created by an elite group with total control, who can at any time, whim or reason, place any requirements on any people, precisely, according to their race?
Trumps way? (This is America dammmit!!)
Or, Leftists. (The evil side with many names.)
One of his litmus:
3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?
Ok Dennis youre a conservative or I think even Orthodox Jew...would you be ok your kid marrying a black non Jewish conservative over a liberal bar or bat mitzvah certified fellow Jew
Ive rarely seen a practicing orthodox willingly allow marriage beyond the faith....
see what a tar pit this sort of Im not really racist logic is
Historically liberal Jews are at the forefront of advocating race mixing for everyone but themselves ...sure there are revolutionary Jews who were first to buck the no race mixing laws norms of the 50s and 60s but even now most Jewish parents advocate keeping the faith even if they dont practice it
Leftism regardless Jewish Christian or now even Muslim often says do as I say not as I do
Anyone that thinks a Republican is a racist is a racist.
At this rate it will be a badge of honor to be called a racist.
Own it baby!
I’m a racist...if you are a Thug of Color or a Thug of White or a Thug of Asian...I’ll shot if you try to break in my Deplorable house...
Fake word made up by a communist that used an alias...
You may have to wonder if a Trump supporter is racist.
You NEVER have to wonder if a Democrat is racist. THEY ALL ARE RACISTS.