It doesn’t make sense to prosecute him for leaking a document that was not “classified” at the time he leaked it. The DOJ classified afterwards.
So, if they wanted to prosecute it would look as though they created an x-post-facto classification simply to prosecute him. That is kangaroo court crap—and any judge with any sense would toss it out on its behind.
There will be plenty to “get him” on in the coming months. I think its best not to start out with a loser of a case.
There will be plenty to get him on in the coming months. I think its best not to start out with a loser of a case.
I agree. But it’s frustrating since the events of “the coming months” ALWAYS seem to be “coming” and never, ever arrive.
How long are we going to have to wait to see these seditionists brought to justice? Until nature has rendered the matter irrelevant since they’ve all assumed room temperature on their own?
Prosecution can wait in more serious crimes by Comey. This first disclosure, while it is a prose table crime , is just one small crime in a series of much more serious crimes so the the leaking is more appropriately evidence documenting Comeys much more serious crimes. This case is so convoluted and complex, trying to prosecute on this would confuse the issue of exactly which crimes Comey committed and would be detrimental to the process of bringing the guilty to justice< p>
“It doesnt make sense to prosecute him for leaking a document that was not classified at the time he leaked it”
This would have been and iffy prosecution and there are far more egregious indictments on the horizon.....Perpetrating a fraud on the FISA court topping the list.
DiGenova gets ahead of his ski’s sometimes but he basically knows the Federal prosecution game and his judgment along with his wife’s is generally spot on,
I agree with your assessment.
Yep, I agree. Gotta be patient. The Swamp would’ve loved for Barr to open on a technicality against Comey. It instantly would have soured public opinion.
This was a landmine avoided IMO.