“Why is there so much trash?”
Some people just don’t care. They throw trash out the window of their projects and there it stays and accumulates. I have personally observed this in some areas of the Bronx NY, where I used to live.
We see locals standing in front of their neighborhood trash dumps complaining. Oh, the horror!
How often are they seen cleaning anything up?
“Why is there so much trash?”
Culture. Things do not change unless the entire populace changes. There is a reason why the Ganges will never get cleaned up, inner cities will remain as rat infested trash heaps and Palestinians hate Jews. And on and on.....
Change the culture, you change the variables within the problem. Thing is Democrats don’t want this change to occur because it takes away their voters.
I traveled to the West Bank a couple of years ago and was shocked by the garbage strewn everywhere. I had a hard time believing that the land there is precious to the Palestinians when they couldnt bother to not throw trash across it. Want me to believe in your cause? Show me how much you care about it. That applies to Baltimore too.