Oh goody. More solar and wind farms to permanently destroy pristine desert areas. And what is left over they will turn into wilderness areas so people cant 4 wheel or hunt, then they will find every last hotspring bathe their dirty asses in them until they brim with more bacteria than a 3rd world sewer, then fence them off and charge 20 bucks a swim, 12 bucks an ice cream cone and sell books about the old nevada wilderness, where at one time you could see your shadow off the milky way and it how it was perfectly silent without the continuous roar of cars
there are PLENTY of places in Nevada in which you can see your shadow from the stars and hear nothing but your heartbeat and the wind howling.
And the rattlesnakes beneath your feet.
I hate solar and wind farms.
How can people claim to be green and support these blights on the landscape that kill birds?
They make me mad every time I see them.