The teaching profession in the public schools and the universities is in a shambles. It is infested with ignorant, bigoted, shortsighted people. Anti white bigotry is now all the rage among your precious teaching profession. They can claim the moral high ground all they want, but a growing number of aware and thoughtful individuals know that teachers have dug themselves into a pit of intolerance and academic incompetence based in intellectual dishonesty. You may be an exception as I know there are some out there.
Anyone who's read my various posts here knows that I am no liberal and harbor zero white guilt. So darn right, I am an exception. And, it seems to be the ADMINISTRATORS shoving this "white toxicity" and "white guilt" garbage down teachers' throats, them having gotten the good word to do so by radical commie minded idiot politicians who find it their duty somehow to promote ridiculous stupid ideas like that.