“Just don’t equip untested prototypes with immense strength, speed or advanced weaponry, as Hollywood is prone to do.”
I use to swear up and down that this could never happen. I thought that because I work in the defense industry and we just don’t do that sort of stupid crap in this industry. We think ahead, design in safeguards and perform detailed failure mode analysis. In short what Hollywood always portrayed as happening is very unlikely to happen on a defense contract.
...But now I see what the silicon valley types are doing with robotics and automation. Yeah, those idealistic morons are going to slap together a self replicating deathbot and be dead before they realize their mistake.
And then folks like you and me will get The Call to come back and design/test/evaluate/produce countermeasures on some kind of sillya$$ schedule, with specs written by fools.
(Maybe this time the ALCU and MSM won't be roadblocking everything in court and/or styling us as "warmongers, etc, etc". /jk -----And maybe this time I'll just get the family back in Redoubt and go to war with the whole damn bunch of 'em instead.)