Jussie - is that you?
“Jussie - is that you?”
The demand for racists and racial incidents, far outstrips the actual supply.
This one may not even be faking.
Smolet did a low low low thing, not just fraudulently staging a hate crime, but also intentionally stoking racial tensions for personal gain.
This women may honestly believe that race was behind what she experienced.
The media!
There has been so much race baiting lately. It’s getting into a lot of people’s heads.
All this because a bunch of activist fake-journalists are jacking up racial tensions in the hopes of hurting the current sitting President of the United States.
These people sitting in the press rooms and editorial conference rooms of the so-called press and media are don’t care how many people become casualties of the tension and hysteria they create. All they care about are the political ends that they seek.
I would honestly not be surprised if she thought this guy was white (or white enough) and ascribed racial motivations to what was probably just an incidental flare up of relatively innocent circumstances. That just what you get when TDS is institutionalized and pervasive