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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 KJV

As boring as it is to discuss, the Send her Back chant has to be explained so even the Four Squaws can understand. Chants and humor are as old as the country itself and in this case we are seeing an overreaction which is sadly normal. This was the crowd basically booing Congresswoman Omar for her hatred of America by ten thousand people who love their country and are exhausted.

People are tired of the way the game is played where the Babbling Heads act as if they are the referee when in reality they are the instigators and Communist activists. They are frustrated at the brainwashing of people into believing America is a rotten place to live full of racism and bigotry when it is the most welcoming country on eart by any measure. They are tired of being beat up for loving the country they were born into or wanting a safe border.

Americans are tired of being lectured by people who have been brainwashed to hate this country and feel they are superior if they do hate America. Both may be brainwashing but which is better being for America or against her? Sure she has her blemishes since she is full of people who are deeply flawed but even that is the beauty of this country since it has a way to improve itself through the electoral process which no other country enjoys.

Patriotic Americans are tired of being belittled, yelled at and beaten for their love of country. Simply for disagreeing with the Marxist Media and its flunkies in the DNC you are abused both verbally and physically and those same tolerant people will not object. You watched a homosexual Asian man get brutally beaten and nearly killed yet not a peep from our vigilant mediots who must have agreed in their silence. You saw the same pictures in Germany before the war as dissenters were beaten and silenced while the all caring National Socialist Party came to power through violence and intimidation.

Socialism requires obedience since it cannot stand on its own economically. Even during its heyday in Germany and Russia it was subsidized by a massive weapons industry which eventually bankrupted both countries and the world. Socialism is a form of slavery which needs to brainwash people into going against their personal well-being which is exactly what we are seeing today. Capitalism has the invisible hand of self improvement to motivate people.

Liberals are a miserable self-flagellating people who do not understand why everyone is not as miserable as they are. When they see all of these people at a rally laughing and enjoying themselves it makes them more miserable and angry to think people can have such a good time. For them to be happy they need to be drugged either directly or indirectly through anger into a stupor. Their idea of humor is calling everyone else names and insulting their country for its imperfections while ignoring their own massive shortcomings.

President Trump is the Marxist Media’s worst nightmare. He has exposed them for the paper tigers they are. Sure they can call people names from their billion dollar platform and make all sorts of false claims while falsely naming his voters racists and Nazis but just who is it banning words and thoughts? Just who was censoring the chants and revelry when they chanted to send her home? Who is always coming up with a new word or phrase which is verboten to say every day of every week? They are the Thought Police who have the country living in fear they will be the next offender being sent to the virtual firing squad.

This is not tolerance it is intolerance hidden in the mask of tolerance. There is absolutely no tolerance inside the Thug Party, only strict dogma and manipulation to make people feel bad if they don’t adhere to the dictates of the Socialist Party for fear of being labeled and a target put on your chest.

When their virtual firing squad is not enough they stir up and manipulate their goon squads to beat the dissenters turning them into bloody symbols of submission. This can happen to anyone deemed a fascist or bigot which are the unforgivable sins to the mob. The media’s goons are becoming more and more violent and organized as they use mob rule to force Trump voters to hide in fear of the consequences.

What if America lived inside a Trump rally where freedom of speech is revered? A place where people are happy and proud to be Americans, who want what, is best for this country and the world. Inside the rally you have people wrapped in the flag while enjoying the bromides and jokes the President tells who loves Merica as much as they do. The crowd’s one chant not withstanding which there was nothing wrong, where people can have fun ribbing the opposition for their hatred of America. What would Liberty’s land look like if it had free speech again and not afraid to offend someone when in reality it is to censor you?

The media is always lecturing about how this group or that will be offended, but have no problem screeching 24/7/365 racist, sexist, homophobe, Nazi at those who they disagree. The only people you can take pleasure in offending are people who love America. These people they will beat to a pulp both figuratively and literally while making sure not to use the wrong pronoun for some sexual freak for fear of making them in the slightest uncomfortable. This level of unfairness is unsustainable and those same haters are now beginning to pay the price for their corrupt reporting.

What if America went back to calling a spade a spade and common sense prevailed? What if people were not afraid to say things considered outrageous and outside the mainstream’s box? What if America went back to being America with its unique sense of humor and creativity? What if people were allowed to question Marxist doxology such as Global Warming, homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion and race relations honestly? Then this country could enjoy its true calling as new thoughts and innovation would once again rule the day. The media rushing to judgement over the, Send her Back; chant was to be expected while Trumps folding was not.

He should realize that his rallies are supposed to be a free speech zone and there will be all sorts of chants and jokes being made, so what? He needs to keep them a sanctum of free speech which requires the allowance of speech you don’t agree with. This is what America was built on and what has made it great throughout the centuries. If it is OK to call his supporters every name in the book then it is fine for them to give them a taste of their own medicine. The one they hate the worst is the U-S-A chant.

It is so boring to have to write about free speech being squelched once again in America by the left. The Communist Party knows it and Christianity are the biggest barriers standing in their way. They know their economic arguments are slavery through over-taxation and over-regulation which will lead to their version of Nirvana where they rule everything. This is why they are requiring tolerance with their iron fist and why America needs to resist it to rebuild her Shining City on the Hill.

Pray for Free Speech

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 07/21/2019 4:20:22 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.



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I admit to being a little confused in that I thought that it was necessary for asylum-seekers to seek it first in their home country. Now that I think about it, if one is in danger in their home country they might be endangered more by seeking asylum in same.

But if an African from Somalia manages to get from Africa to south of our border, surely there is somewhere that he or she could contact an American embassy to begin the process of seeking asylum.

It’s not wise to just allow the entire planet to boom, leave their country wherever it is and come on over to America.


The Departments of Homeland Security and Justice released a new rule Monday under which migrants who enter the United States at the southern border are ineligible for asylum unless they sought protection in one of the countries they traveled through first. The measure, an effort to stem the flow of migrants from Central America into the U.S., is expected to take effect Tuesday.

To remain eligible for safe harbor in the U.S., the rule requires migrants to first seek protection in a country they traverse, such as Mexico, El Salvador, or Guatemala, before arriving at the southern border.

Attorney General William Barr said in a statement the Trump administration is acting within the authority designed by Congress to restrict asylum eligibility... “This rule will decrease 'forum shopping by economic migrants' and those who seek 'to exploit our asylum system to obtain entry to the United States'.


Trump is going to win these battles people. But they’re making him fight like the dickens.



Some political gossipy tidbits not worth an entire paragraph just yet.


First, this is a man who has to shake hands practically for a living. But as I’ve learned of recent, after he’s shaken a lot of hands he immediately demands hand cleaner. In fact, I’ve heard he is referred to as a Purel President . I heard him quoted that he thinks shaking hands is one of mankind’s most dangerous activities.


Trump said during one of his impromptu press conferences that Nancy Pelosi is not a racist. Which, I agree, she is not. But did Pelosi extend Trump the same positive description? I quote the fabulous Nancy, “Trump wants to make America white again.” Cause when all else fails, call them a racist.


Heh. Allegedly Trump is in a lot of trouble for telling that squad of four America-haters to go back where you came from if you hate this country so much. I don’t think any member of that crew are not from America except that Omar woman but nonetheless, if they hate America so much, they should leave, how about that?


Yesterday there was planned enforcement of our laws which would have ICE seeking illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants who have been given a court hearing and told to leave the country by the judge on the case. We haven’t heard much in terms of names, places and counts but like I said earlier, Trump has to fight for everything. And yet is always wins.



Pelosi calls them “xenophobic tweets” while President Trump’s tweets over the four Democratic congress women who hate America and let us know it every day are nothing of the sort.

Trump thinks that when you are elected to the United States congress you have no right to go out and talk horrible about the country which let you in, gave you pursuit of happiness, and elected you to represent them.

Now we hear that the House of Representatives is going to condemn Trump for daring to defend America.

What do you think would happen to a Chinese elected official who would suddenly jump up and down like an asshole and talked bad about Chinca? Or how about a Russian quasi-elected official? Think they’d get away with such a thing.


And folks, America does not like people talking bad, especially those representing them.

The Democrats hate America…how sad is that?


This morning, the President doubled down on his attacks on our four colleagues suggesting they apologize to him,” Pelosi wrote to House Democrats. “Let me be clear, our caucus will continue to forcefully respond to these disgusting attacks.”

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and freshman Rep. Tom Malinowksi (D-N.J.), who was born in Poland, will draft the resolution, according to Pelosi. It’s unclear when the House will vote on the measure and the speaker did not specify in her letter…

“The House cannot allow the president’s characterization of immigrants to our country to stand. Our Republican colleagues must join us in condemning the president’s xenophobic tweets,” Pelosi wrote.



Kevin McCarthy is from California, it’s the first time I noticed this. He replaced that awful Paul Ryan but what does it matter? The Republicans have air between the legs, more aid than Hurricane Barry had rain. They don’t take a stand but the few times they do, it’s in favor of the opposition.


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says President Donald Trump is not a racist. But he also says four Democratic congresswomen of color whom Trump said should return to their native countries should not have to leave the U.S.

The California Republican told reporters on Monday: “This is their country.” Three of the four congresswomen were born in the U.S., and all are Americans.







So say some of the lawyers for the victims.

What a creep, beloved by the FBI.



Trump tweeted something nasty about those four nothing-burger female congress critters as a response to their constant negative comments about this country.

Why no resolution condemning THEM???


The House on Tuesday voted to formally admonish President Trump, approving a resolution condemning as “racist” his tweets targeting four minority congresswomen.

The 240-187 vote fell largely along partisan lines, as GOP leaders had rushed to the president’s defense in whipping against the measure.

Just four Republicans broke with party ranks to join every voting Democrat, revealing the extent to which Trump’s incendiary remarks had jarred Capitol Hill and forced even some of his closest allies to denounce his behavior. Six Republicans missed the vote.

Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.), who recently left the GOP over differences with Trump, also backed the resolution.

Trump’s remarks saying the progressive lawmakers should “go back” to the “places from which they came” sparked a flurry of outrage, with Democrats briefly uniting to push back against the attack despite recent divisions between various factions of the party spilling into the public.

The resolution was led by freshman Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.), who is white but was born in Poland. He argued it was a necessary step to push back against racist rhetoric from the White House.

“Even if we may disagree on the details of immigration or border policy, racism is wrong, it is un-American,” Malinowski told The Hill.



Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was banned from speaking on the House floor for the rest of the day after calling President Trump's tweets racist on the House floor.


There is something weird about this incident involving Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. She’s been around forever. She knows the rules.

But before the vote Pelosi made a nasty comment, something evidently not allowed on the House floor between votes. She also said she got permission from the House parliamentarian before saying what she said.


The decision came after the California Democrat gave an impassioned speech about tweets by Trump she called "racist."

The chairman at the time, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, reprimanded her for the "personality-based" attack before "abandoning the chair."


I think Pelosi is trying to wrest control back from those four female jerks and she has a plan. What she seems to be doing is stopping those votes against Trump, up to and including an impeachment vote.


NOT Politics by Pat

Just a silly anecdote but it made me smile, I got a mammogram yesterday, something I hate. But I went to Beebe health center on, get this, BIDEN AVENUE (BIDEN….get it? What he do to deserve an avenue named after him) and the staff was delightful.

First the lady taking all my information asked if I was born in Delaware.

“Nobody’s born in Delaware,” I said sort of automatically. Though I must suppose some folks were born in Delaware, I daresay most current Delawareans  were born in Maryland, Pennsylvania or New Jersey.

See laughed and told me, true, true, few of us currently living here were born here. Then she said she was from New Jersey. So since we were being so darn clever I remarked that the worst drivers come from New Jersey, an assertion I stand by.

She shook her head, oh no. “Massachusetts has the worst drivers,” she asserted. Well damn, we’re far away from Mass. And hardly see any drivers from that state so I was surprised.

Then she told me she was born in Connecticut and I smiled. “MASSHOLES,” she said. “We call them Massholes”.

Now I happened to have a husband from Massachusetts and I don’t know about being worse drivers than New Jersey drivers but they do have the weirdest roads in Massachusetts. Come rush hour they open up the shoulders and the entire expressway is filled with cars going every which way.

It is, indeed, very odd.

“We call the bad drivers in Maine “MAINIACS”, she finished up.



The Bachelorette, the Fantasy Suite and Sex

For many years the Bachelor(ette) series featured a finale that had the bachelor(ette) and the contenders for his or her hand spending a night in something called a Fantasy Suite.

Now out here across the fruity plains, it’s not specifically said that there was sex going on in that Fantasy Suite. I mean it shows them going into the bed together and they wake up in the morning and smile at how much fun they had last night.

Hannah, this year’s Bachelorette who I don’t much like, spend the night in the Fantasy Suite with three guys.

Folks, I am not so pure. But I think spending three nights in a row with different men and, as hinted, having sex with them, is kind of crude.

One of Hannah’s guys, Luke, a real disliked guy by everyone except Hannah, told her, during one of those tete-a-tete things they have on these shows, that if he found out she had sex with those other guys he’d be mad.

So Hannah got all mad and demanded Luke go home, that he had no right to tell her how to live.

Well folks…..if I were a guy, emotionally involved with a female who I thought spent three nights in a row with three different guys….I’d give her (or him, yes, having sex with a gang is just not cute or romantic , even if a guy) the heave-ho.

What’s wrong with Luke stating how he really feels?

I really don’t know if Hannah actually had sex with all three of those guys but I don’t think she had a right to get mad if Luke, a fellow who really loved her, didn’t like it.

And if Hannah did have sex with all those guys…..hey….I am not impressed.



It’s been a wild week in congress with votes to discuss impeachment, votes to condemn Trump, votes to have the man murdered or cut out his tongue.



Trump tweet below


The United States House of Representatives has just overwhelmingly voted to kill the Resolution on Impeachment, 332-95-1. This is perhaps the most ridiculous and time consuming project I have ever had to work on. Impeachment of your President, who has led the....

....Greatest Economic BOOM in the history of our Country, the best job numbers, biggest tax reduction, rebuilt military and much more, is now OVER. This should never be allowed to happen to another President of the United States again!



It’s something been bandied about the Internet for a few months, that Rep. Ilhan Omar, that horrible woman from Minnesota, married her brother so she can get into America.

Yet, oddly, she hates America.

Now President Trump is letting it out there this factoid because if you wait for the media to do it you shall die of wait.


Trump’s tweet below


President Donald Trump on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): “There's a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother. I know nothing about it. … I’m sure that somebody would be looking at that”


 I found the following on a post on FreeRepublic.

Tthere’s tons of information in the public domain about this, and it’s almost certain that it’s an absolute fact:





Sean Hannity has his pluses and minuses, as do they all. But every damn night he invites that awful AOC woman on his show and promises her a whole hour.


I mean it. This child does not deserve an hour of time although she did go on Meet the Press, another very stupid move and I shall not watch again.

Do not give her the time of day people!!! And while the liberal types think it’s a cool idea, Sean Hannity, it’s one of the dumbest ideas you’ve ever had.



Even legal immigration needs to be overturned.

Back when I was in my teens my mother met my stepfather. Eventually they got married and had three kids but of first note was that stepfather, named Ernest Schneider, was from Germany. His parents brought he and his two siblings to America when they were children. Being that I was very young and might be confused, but I think his parents had to get a sponsor to come to the United States. You are talking well over fifty years ago.

It seemed to be a good system. My stepfather did eventually achieve citizenship and served a couple of years in the American army.

At any rate, with immigrants pouring through our borders unchecked, the concept of sponsorship to achieve citizenship, in this day and age, seems like a good idea.

During a recent perusal of a post at a Conservative site, there was discussion of a complete overhaul of the immigration system, not just the lawbreakers from the south, but also LEGAL immigrants.

For the reason this country has yet to have a fair system of immigration the “system” we use should be overthrown and reconfigured.

The commenters on this site got concerned because they shouted and ranted that legal immigration is fine and don’t go allowing congress to get its hands on this system.

I think of the system of sponsorship, heck I even remember my stepfather’s family’s sponsors, I think we need to take the choice of who gets to immigrate to America up to the people. That’s right….US!

We leave it to the politicos and we get the hairdresser’s brother-in-law, the big contributor last election, bribe money to get a desired law passed.

All using our current LEGAL immigration system.

It needs to be done over. When President Reagan gave all the then illegal immigrant amnesty, the concept was that the immigration system of that era will be re-thought and reconfigured.

Instead, the politicians abused and mis-used it.

If ever this country is going to take a long, thoughtful look at who we invite to live here, President Trump will be the likely only one to ever initiate it, we need a task force of very intelligent and expert types, we’d need congress to pass laws to allow those in we like and prevent those we don’t like.

It will likely never happen but damn, wouldn’t it be nice?




It’s been a whole week of everybody who ever held a microphone discussing the horrible racists, homophobes and deplorables at Trump’s recent rally who cheered “send them back” in reference to the four lovely team of America-hating congress critters. This was a reaction to Trump’s suggestion that seriously folks, if you don’t love America, work to change it or leave it. No one wants to see people going out in the public and trashing their country.

But the fake newsburgers spent every spare minute trashing….no, not those who badmouthed our country….but US, the people who carry this country on their backs.

Trump said he did not lead the cheer and he didn’t think it was right.

I am not sure if Trump just wanted to shut the narrative up as it’d been running 24/7, or somebody talked him into it.

But let me say it again, hey…AOC, Omar, Pressley…..all of you….IF YOU DON’T LIKE AMERICA, LEAVE IT!



Alex Acosta resigned as Secretary of Labor recently due to his handling of the Jeff Epstein matter several years ago.

Trump has announced that Gene Scalia, son of the late SCOTUS Antonian Scalia, to replace Acosta.

He seems to be welcomed but then again, the fake newsburgers are all discussing sending AOC to another country.

While on the subject of Epstein, lawyer Alan Dershowitz has been out and about lambasting Epstein’s lawyer, Boies, for coaching two of Epstein’s victims into charging ole Alan with rape.

Since this Epstein case has been talked about, I have heard Dershowitz’ name bandied about all over the place.

I think he’s guilty of something but will keep eyes and ears open.



6 posted on 07/21/2019 4:27:56 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!

7 posted on 07/21/2019 4:29:53 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Really great stuff bud the squad however is the greatest ally of the Republican party right now.The more they run off at the mouth the more the dems suffer with the few semi-level headed dems left in the party.

Especially, when you consider that Mullah Omar and her turban have a dynamic poll approval number of 9% of those Americans who approve of her. AOC is at 22%. Neither number is a winner for the dirty dems and Piglosi and slo Joe have to be doing summersaults in their sleep wondering how to get rid of the four horseman of the Justice Democrats.

Here's who the Justice Dems are once again.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would not be in Congress without the Justice Democrats political action committee, an organization which aims to elect progressives with revolutionary potential.

The Justice Democrats PAC was founded by Saikat Chakrabarti, who recruited Ocasio-Cortez to run against longtime establishment Rep. Joseph Crowley in the Democratic Party primary. Chakrabarti is now AOC’s chief of staff.

Rep. Alexandria Ocaio-Cortez and chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti. / AP

“It was the Justice Democrats who recruited her in a quixotic campaign early on, providing a neophyte candidate with enough infrastructure to take down a party leader,” David Freedlander noted in an analysis last month for Politico. “And it is the Justice Democrats who see Ocasio-Cortez as just the opening act in an astonishingly ambitious plan to do nothing less than re-imagine liberal politics in America – and do it by whatever means necessary.”

Those means may not all be on the up and up, reports say.

Ocasio-Cortez did not disclose to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) that she and Chakrabarti controlled the Justice Democrats PAC which was supporting her primary campaign, according to a report by The Daily Caller Foundation.

“Ocasio-Cortez’s office and Justice Democrats did not respond to multiple requests for comment,” the report concluded.

Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti obtained majority control of Justice Democrats PAC in December 2017, according to archived copies of the group’s website. The PAC raised more than $1.8 million prior to AOC’s June primary in New York’s 14th District.

Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti appear to retain their control of the group, according to corporate filings obtained by the Daily Caller.

Republican election attorney Charlie Spies told the Daily Caller: “It looks like the campaign and PAC are under common control and the PAC was funding campaign staff and activities as an alter-ego of the campaign committee, which would be a blatant abuse of the PAC rules.”

The above suggests its only a matter of time before AOC and her handlers are brouht to justice or the truth opened up on them so big even the dems can't ignore it.

9 posted on 07/21/2019 4:41:57 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Gentlewoman Rashida Tliab evicted from a rally
11 posted on 07/21/2019 4:44:30 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray

Nice work Bray. Notice the left is now appealing to anyone with an area or venue to disallow any more Trump rallies. They wish to shut him up and cut off our access to him. Like they want him banned from Twitter and any other platform, real or virtual. We must rage, rage against the dying of the light.

19 posted on 07/21/2019 5:14:49 AM PDT by shalom aleichem
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To: bray
the Send her Back chant has to be explained...

Yeah, she's a serial fraudster; including lying to obtain her refugee/citizen status, her father is a terrorist war-criminal, she married her own brother (who is now believed to be hiding out in KENYA) married to two men at the same time, she ran for office under an assumed name, shown smiling, laughing meeting with the current leader of Somalia who she claimed to "seek refuge" from etc etc etc

She violated federal statutes and her oaths of citizen ship and office. She's not a "citizen" but rather a terrorist enemy agent...revoke her citizenship and...

Send Her Back!

30 posted on 07/21/2019 5:51:49 AM PDT by ROCKLOBSTER ( "The Owl" eats RATs for breakfast!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Steffi kept interrupting Mercedes Schlapp,
and kept attempting to change the subject,
and kept attempting to defend terrorists,
but she would have none of it.

Showed the little beta terrorist-protector from
ABC and the Clinton Foundation his place.


41 posted on 07/21/2019 6:22:01 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: Alas Babylon!
The first segment was great, Walice sputtering and trying to talk over Miller, but finally relenting and letting the truth come out. He actually invited him back to cover the issue of "immigration" (wetbacks)

Nad-lapper up next to talk about the upcoming Mueller report.

I can't wait for some Republican to ask Mueller why he told Acosta to let Epstein walk.

45 posted on 07/21/2019 6:36:04 AM PDT by ROCKLOBSTER ( "The Owl" eats RATs for breakfast!)
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To: Alas Babylon!
The ever-interrupting protector of terrorists,
and toadie of the Romney&hisPartnerSoros,
Mockingbird's hit-man Wallace said:
"NOTHING the Squad has ever
said is worse than (what President) Trump (has ever said)".

Wallace has laid down the red line.
Hateful, biases, Fox "News" as of today
obviously shares the hate Squad's antiAmerican
and antisemitic opinions.

78 posted on 07/21/2019 7:16:22 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: bray

One for the ages....

137 posted on 07/21/2019 9:09:12 AM PDT by patriotspride
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