Normal people want things to work. And they love improvements that make things better.
The government, on the other hand, embraces inefficiency, dysfunction and waste. Their jobs depend in many cases on this morass so they have no incentive to fix things or make them better. Systemic improvements are a threat to their job security after all.
Trump wants to make things better in America. That why the bureaucrats and politicians hate him so much.
Normal people want things to work. And they love improvements that make things better.
The fact that this even needs to be stated is highly indicative of just how screwed up things are now. These days us normals, as Colonel Schlichter calls us, are not just openly mocked we are scorned and called horrible names for expecting the government that WE ******* PAY FOR to actually act in the interests of the people writing the checks.
They dont even bother concealing the contempt they have for us anymore. We are smelly. We are deplorable. We are racist xenophobic monsters who dont even deserve a voice in the system.
Dont want your 15 year old daughter sharing a high school gym locker that YOU ******* pay for with a male student? Youre the problem, not them.
Dont want mentally ill drug addicts ******** all over the streets and parks that YOU ******* pay for? Youre the problem, not them.
Dont think its a good idea to allow millions of people to stroll across our borders illegally and demand goods, services, medical care, and jobs while completely bypassing the lawfully enacted procedures? Youre the ******* problem. Not them.
Want to post your concerns on some internet site to call attention to the problems? Youre the one who gets shut down, publicly identified, your employment threatened, and maybe even your life.
Well my friend its time to realize that these people hate us. Theres no other explanation that makes any sense at all. They claim to care. They claim to be compassionate. But theyre literally forcing us to accept the slow motion destruction of our society right in front of our very eyes.
And theyre daring us to do something about it.
Its high time we stepped up to take them up on it.