I sure am glad that we elected a president who assured us he was on top of this.
“WE” also elected a House that was directly opposed to him, run by a party that wants and uses illegal aliens to vote for them.
Top that off with an 8 year span of judicial officials appointed by someone who ideologically sees nothing wrong with ignoring the Constitution and our borders?
I never expected President Trump to act like a dictator and violate the law, but to use the law to fix the issue. When the House fell to Pelosi et al, I knew “WE” failed.
I will never blame him for trying. No maggot democrat or RINO would have done so much as it is.
We need a new House.
“I sure am glad that we elected a president who assured us he was on top of this.”
Ever tried to fix a large leak and had to fight for your tools? The basement was flooded when the plumber got here and now someone has purposely turned on new fire hoses into the area and it’s spilling out into the living room while that group still holds a majority of the tools. Getting wet? Take the tools away from the group and give it to the plumber.
The group has no intention of fixing the leak. The plumber didn’t expect the group to be so openly and voraciously willing to be as stupid as they are while the people on the second floor are not helping. And you blame the plumber? Give him his tools and the leak can be fixed. Hopefully before too much damage has been done and you have to hire a carpenter, also, that the group will fight also.
Get rid of the group. But that will take an exterminator. Simple term: election process.