This guy is such a moron.
He IS the Democratic party...everything they are and everything people can’t stand about them. They are all such incompetent, corrupt, malicious, posturing creeps.
HE’s their ‘poster boy’
Well, Mr Loompa, I am also befuddled.
That was not a moron move it was an ass move, done on purpose to try and throw her off.
In the US, it’s easier to get elected than to get hired.
More a complete a$$hole.
She looked gorgeous going in. Here’s to you Hopey!
Hopefully, the worst for her is over. What a disgrace these people are.
He did that on purpose as a tactic to besmirch her.
I watched an ID show where the defense attorney pulled something like that against the dead victim and the courtroom was stunned by it but he did it on purpose to confuse them the jury.
The attorney was a snake he did not fool me neither does Nadler.
I tweeted to call him some names over this - ended with calling him “Miss Lewinski” and told him to get off his knees and from in front of the rabid Right...