Word has it from the tinfoil crowd that she is an actor, hired to play the green congressman role, by a shadowy special interest cabal. Given all her lines. Can’t do extempore.
“Word has it from the tinfoil crowd that she is an actor, hired to play the green congressman role, by a shadowy special interest cabal.”
Part of that “special interest cabal” is/was The Young Turks according to the tinfoil crowd, who (allegedly) conducted interviews to hire those with potential to stir the pot.
Pretty sure that’s the straight up truth about her having handlers that are controlling her every move.
Word has it from the tinfoil crowd that she is an actor, hired to play the green congressman role, by a shadowy special interest cabal. Given all her lines. Cant do extempore.
I basically agree with this. I think she was chosen for her vapid mind and youngish “good looks” (as perceived by some, evidently), given some campaign financing in a district that a leftist with an IQ greater than the freezing point of water could win and then, as you say, is regularly given lines to read.
I really do believe that some version of that is true. I don’t know all the details, of course. But I think the big picture is she’s a puppet run by masters.