I don't refuse, I ignore, and I do so because I consider it trivial compared to the importance of the serious issue involved.
But just to address this point for a moment, it is my understanding that Google-Nazi solicited this commentary, and then fired the man for saying what he thought.
Not a comparable analogy for what you are suggesting with VP Pence and CNN.
I do not know about you, but for many years of my life I have read books about what happened in the lead up to world war II, and everything about this has the feel of "Untermenschen" and "Gleichschaltung".
You need to read some books on the rise of Nazism, and you very much need to learn what was the relationship between Corporate Power and the National Socialist state.
Perhaps history will open your eyes where no amount of reasoning or presentation of abuses will wake you up.
Study the Nazis, and what they did to the Jews before they started sending them to camps.
Really? I think it's because you can't come close to articulating a principle around free speech and private property that is even a little bit consistent with what you want.
That's fine, there's a place for special pleading but it's kind of ironic given your righteous rhetoric.
...it is my understanding that Google-Nazi solicited this commentary...
You think Google urged this guy to go on Fox Business and trash them? You might want to re-read the article.