File the return within 3.5 months of the 10-year anniversary date, 3.5 months after the 11-year anniversary, and so on. No extensions.
A simple measurement - what was your net worth before you got to DC? What was it on the 10-year anniversary? Pay X.X % of the difference. Fits on a postcard.
Of course, we have to have a cracker-jack team of forensic accountants and proctologists ready to audit these returns, and each one should be audited. The cost of these audits would be added to the tax each filer pays.
What should the rate be? Oh, we can have somebody with America's best interest at heart pick that number. How about Bernie Sanders? We also need to consider if there should be a tax on accumulated wealth of the extended family (like a Hunter Biden Ukraine expert fee).
Give it a 50 year life to see if it works, make it retroactive to the day before Joe Biden first took office in the Senate, and let's make taxing wealth great again!
A simple measurement - what was your net worth before you got to DC? What was it on the 10-year anniversary? Pay X.X % of the difference. Fits on a postcard.
Bingo.... The dirty secret the MSM will never support or ask as the fake news created by the pols gives them clicks and viewers to support their own wealth accumulation, and I’m sure some “ wetting of the beak” along the way.